Understanding the Various Disciplines of Ayurveda!
Ayurveda is considered to be a holistic healing and wellness science, simply because, it is not only concerned about an individual’s physical health and well-being, but also about mental, emotional and spiritual well-being! Despite being the oldest healthcare system known to mankind, Ayurveda was an extremely organized and systematic medical science.
It was sub-divided into 8 disciplines or categories or clinical branches that would deal with specific issues. These branches include:
1. Kayachikitsa or Internal Medicine
Diseases, according to Ayurveda, could be psychosomatic or somato-psychic. Psychosomatic is when an unwell mind can make the body ill. Fox example: If we are stressed out, then we don’t feel like eating, and because our body is deprived of food and nutrition, it may fall ill.
Somato-psychic is when an unwell body can affect the mind. For example: If we are constipated, then we would feel restless and irritable the whole day.
While finding the cause behind a disease is the least of concerns for modern medicine, Ayurveda thrives on identifying the root cause and healing it, so that diseases don’t come back to haunt us.
Through the means of specialized diet, herbs, massages and therapies like Panchakarma, Ayurveda aims at nipping the root-cause in the bud, so that the trigger of the disease is removed and not just the symptom. This is what Kayachikitsa deals with.
2. Shalakya Tantra or Ear, Nose and Throat Medicine
One of the most renowned Ayurvedic texts, Susruta Samhita discusses close to 72 types of eye diseases including cataract, blurred vision etc and their cure through various medical and surgical procedures.
Apart from eye treatment, Shalakya Tantra also deals with diseases of the ear, nose and throat.
3. Agada Tantra or Toxicology
Agada Tantra deals with pollution of various kinds – air, water, food poisoning etc. It also deals with toxins in plant or animal sources, epidemics and pandemics.
4. Kaumarabhritya or Pediatrics
Kaumarabhritya or Pediatrics deals with pre and postnatal care, midwifery, childbirth and caring for the newborn and the new mother. Issues include the right way of conceiving, choosing the child’s gender, constitution or prakriti type, lactation, proper nourishment of the mother and the baby, and so on and so forth.
5. Shalyatantra or Surgery
Despite being a medical system that is considered to be older than all religions and civilizations, Ayurveda had a rich knowledge of surgical procedures. Sophisticated surgeries, intestinal obstructions and operations were performed centuries ago as part of Ayurvedic treatments. This knowledge is believed to have spread to various parts of the world, with various cultures adopting and assimilating Ayurveda into their own healing systems. Though much of Ayurvedic surgical knowledge was lost due to invasions and wars, a significant part of it still remains and is practiced.
6. Bhuta Vidya or Psychiatry
This branch of Ayurveda specifically deals with illnesses of the mind. Specialized diets and herbs are prescribed and the patients are also encouraged to practice yoga, meditation, pranayama or breathing exercises and several other techniques that can help calm and relax the mind.
7. Vajikarana or Reproductive Medicine
Vajikarana deals with two different aspects – 1) It deals with reproductive issues including male and female infertility, erectile dysfunction, impotence etc, and 2) It helps channel excessive sexual energy towards spiritual enlightenment.
8. Rasayana or Rejuvenation Therapy
With the use of several Ayurvedic rasayanas, this branch of Ayurveda works towards rejuvenating an individual, improving his/her sensory perceptions, bringing back youthfulness and slowing down the aging process. Prevention of good health and enhancing the longevity of life are the primary objectives of this branch of Ayurveda.
Enhancing the quality of life through good conduct, ethics, actions and behavior is also discussed as part of aachara rasayanam.
Now that we have understood the various branches of Ayurveda, next up, we will try and understand the simple-yet-effective principles of Ayurveda. Stay tuned.
It was sub-divided into 8 disciplines or categories or clinical branches that would deal with specific issues.
Ayurveda is considered to be a holistic healing and wellness science, simply because, it is not only concerned about an individual’s physical health and well-being
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