
What is the Objective of Ayurveda?

As we mentioned in our previous post, Ayurveda – ‘Ayur’ meaning ‘Life’ and ‘Veda’ meaning ‘Science’, is ‘The Wisdom of Life’. Ayurveda is a holistic healing and wellness science that was passed on to the Indian sages or rishis from the Gods themselves. The purpose of Ayurveda as a medical system is to safeguard health while enhancing the longevity of life.

Much before modern science could even decipher the connection between body, mind and soul, Ayurveda established the fact that there is an intrinsic connection among the three. It firmly believed that a healthy mind can only be possible if the body and soul are healthy and vice versa. Ayurveda advocated and practiced the philosophy of maintaining the perfect balance or harmony among the three – body, mind and soul, for an individual to lead a healthy and disease-free life.

Ayurveda is not a mere healing system. It is much more than that. It is a vast ocean of wisdom designed to help people stay healthy and vibrant, while realizing the full human potential.

Charaka Samhita beautifully explains the purpose of Ayurveda:

‘The purpose of Ayurveda is to protect the health of the healthy and to alleviate disorders of the diseased’.

So, in simple terms, Ayurveda has two different aspects to it: 1) The Preventive aspect and 2) The Curative aspect. The Preventive aspect deals with methods, recommendations and ways of life, which if adopted and followed religiously from the beginning, can boost the strength and resistance of human beings physically, mentally and emotionally in such a way that they can protect themselves from diseases.

The Curative aspect deals with providing relief to the diseased. Ayurveda recommends the use of several herbs, massages and therapies etc and even recommends subtle alterations to dietary habits and lifestyle, for an affected individual to get back his/her state of good health.

Ayurveda also deals with the mental and spiritual aspects of life. It explains the difference between good and bad life. It explains the difference between good thoughts, behavior and actions (the promoters of health) and those which are inappropriate (the non-promoters of health like anger, jealousy, greed, lust etc.)

As per Ayurveda, a happy and healthy life is:

One that is devoid of any physical, mental or emotional disturbance,

One where the sensory perceptions are fully functional,

One where Ojas (Vitality), Tejas (Shine) and Prana (Energy) are at their optimum,

One where the person can perform all duties towards himself/herself, his/her family and the society without any obstacles,

One where the person possess all virtues and is respected in his/her community,

One where the person is happy and has attained physical, mental, emotional and spiritual peace.

Stay with us as we try and understand the various principles, aspects and teachings of this holistic healing and wellness science called Ayurveda.



Ayurveda is not a mere healing system. It is much more than that. It is a vast ocean of wisdom designed to help people stay healthy and vibrant, while realizing the full human potential.


Ayurveda is not a mere healing system. It is much more than that. It is a vast ocean of wisdom





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